Yalmip error : undefined function sdpvar

36 views (last 30 days)
Hello I have installed yalmip. Then i checked that it works through writing yalmip in the command window , and it gives : yalmip yalmip Returns various information about yalmip
yalmip can be used to check version numbers and
find the SDPVAR and SET objects available in workspace
V = yalmip('version') % Returns version
yalmip('nvars') % Returns total number of declared variables
yalmip('info') % Display basic info.
yalmip('solver','tag') % Sets the solver 'solvertag' (see sdpsettings) as default solver
If you want information on how to use yalmip, you are advised to check out
now when i try to define an sdpvar it gives an error message: undefined function sdpvar. how can i solve this please ? Thanks in advance

Accepted Answer

Johan Löfberg
Johan Löfberg on 11 Aug 2016
You must have failed with the installation such as unzipping and/or setting the path. Show us your path, and a "dir" performed in the yalmip directory
BTW, a much better place to post yalmip questions is https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/yalmip
  1 Comment
chen jiyuan
chen jiyuan on 4 Nov 2021
The commend run like
constraint_ml = set(cone(zz,y2));
, and an error comes. Could please help me to solve this problem.
"SET has been considered obsolete for many years, and the time has come...
Update your code. https://yalmip.github.io/tutorial/basics/
wrong use constraint/set
Obsolete command"

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More Answers (2)

Sana Ben Hmouda
Sana Ben Hmouda on 11 Aug 2016
Edited: Sana Ben Hmouda on 11 Aug 2016
Hello, Thanks a lot for your prompt answer. I may have resolved this problem by one of these solutions that i have tried all: - uninstall all previous yalmip versions existing in my matlab path / or in my laptop - download the newest version of yalmip - add the required folders to matlab path in the same order mentioned in the tutorial so that i get sure that i added them all. - save the already added folders - run " clear classes " before trying yalmiptest
Then everything worked fine Thanks again for your help and i do appology for mentioning this late.

Waseem Abbasi
Waseem Abbasi on 24 Jun 2019
Edited: Waseem Abbasi on 24 Jun 2019
dear i face the problem that when i used set command, the following error come:
SET has been considered obsolete for many years, and the time has come...
Update your code. https://yalmip.github.io/tutorial/basics/
Error using constraint/set (line 6)
Obsolete command
Error in chap5_1 (line 14)
The last coomand i used after my sdpvar command.


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