Animation using Quiver plots

1 view (last 30 days)
Bineet_Mehra on 29 Jul 2016
Answered: Selva Karna on 29 Jul 2016
I have multiple .csv files where each file has x, y coordinates and u v (velocity components). For each file, it was easier to plot vectors using quiver. But i want an animation where the figure remains the same and each time a file is loaded, vectors are plotted for it then the next file - its vectors and so on till the last file. The idea is to get an animation. Kindly help Thanks
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Bineet_Mehra on 29 Jul 2016
I was able to get the animation using getframe and VideoWriter but the quality of the vectors in the ensuing video is bad. In single plots the vectors look clear and understandable but in the video they are all hazy.
Any suggestion please help

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Answers (1)

Selva Karna
Selva Karna on 29 Jul 2016
you can use mesh grid plot....


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