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Need Help in the following code, Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals?

1 view (last 30 days)
Need help for the following code, i'm getting subscript indices error..
if true
% sample_ind = cell(1,NumAct);
OneActionSample = zeros(1,NumAct);
for i = 1:NumAct
action = TargetSet((i-1)*2+1:i*2);
action_dir = strcat(file_dir,action,'\');
fpath = fullfile(action_dir, '*.mat');
depth_K2_dir = dir(fpath);
ind = zeros(max_subject,max_experiment);
for j = 1:length(depth_K2_dir)
depth_K2_name = depth_K2_dir(j).name;
sub_num = str2double(depth_K2_name(6:7));
exp_num = str2double(depth_K2_name(10:11));
ind(sub_num,exp_num) = 1;
depth_K2 = depth_K2(:,:,frame_remove+1:end-frame_remove);
[front, side, top] = depth_K2_projection(depth_K2);
front = resize_feature(front,fix_size_front);
side = resize_feature(side,fix_size_side);
top = resize_feature(top,fix_size_top);
TotalFeature(:,sum(OneActionSample)+j) = [front;side;top];
OneActionSample(i) = length(depth_K2_dir);
sample_ind{i} = ind;
TotalFeature = TotalFeature(:,1:sum(OneActionSample));
% You may consider to save the training and testing samples for speed.
% save(strcat(ActionSet,'.Features.mat'), 'TotalFeature');
% Load the feature file if there isn't going to be any changes on the
% feature set.
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in NewTest2 (line 63) ind(sub_num,exp_num) = 1;

Answers (1)

Guillaume on 28 Jun 2016
Edited: Guillaume on 28 Jun 2016
Clearly, you need to learn to use the debugger.
Step through your code and look at the list of file names returned by dir. One of them is not conforming to your expectation that characters 6:7 or 10:11 are strictly positive integers. Since you're converting these characters to numbers and then use these numbers as indices, if this expectation is broken, your program fails.
You can always add a check before using these indices:
exp_num = str2double(depth_K2_name(10:11));
if exp_num < 1 || sub_num < 1 || mod(exp_num, 1) ~= 0 || mod(sub_num, 1) ~= 0
%do whatever you want when expectation is broken
warning('file %s does not conform to expectations. Skipping', depth_K2_name);
ind(sub_num,exp_num) = 1;
arun on 28 Jun 2016
Please tell the reason for the following error in general..
Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree...
Guillaume on 28 Jun 2016
What has this got to do with your original question? Your code does not even have a multiplication that could generate this error.
With such an unspecific question, the only reason I can provide is that the inner matrix dimensions don't agree (as the error message tells you).
Perhaps, you meant to use .* instead of *. Who knows?

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