Clear Filters
Clear Filters

Name of saved image should be the same than read image

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello! I read images using imread, remove the lens distortion and then write it to a new created folder.The code works but I don't have the original name of the images anymore. I want that the image name e.g. 20160406.png is the same for the new undistorted image. How can I do that?
This is my code:
for k = 1:numel(z)
imwrite(Y,['NewFolder/', num2str(k),'.png']);

Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 11 Jun 2016
Try this:
files = dir('*.png');
if exist('NewFolder', 'dir')
for k = 1:numel(z)
% Get input base file name.
thisImage = imread(files(k).name);
% Correct the image.
correctedImage = undistortImage(thisImage, cameraParams);
% Create the output filename.
baseFileName = files(k).name; % Same as source filename.
fullOutputFileName = fullfile(NewFolder, baseFileName);
% Save the output image.
imwrite(correctedImage, fullOutputFileName);

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