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Could someone please explain to me how to take characters from a text file and put it in MATLAB?

5 views (last 30 days)
So I've tried using fscanf and sscanf to take a group of words and numbers and put them into a cell array. An example of what I want in the array is "Wind data AA0, #2". I am new to MATLAB, so I've had problems getting the words I see in my text file to MATLAB using the right code. Could someone give me an example of how this is done? My attempt:
>> fileid = fopen('myfile.txt');
>> a = fscanf(fileid,'%g %g',[35 inf]) % I need only to row 35 % don't understand "%g" part
>> a = a'; % I saw that I might need to transpose it
>> fclose(fid)
Tony Pate
Tony Pate on 8 Jun 2016
I figured out that a textscan would be more appropriate for creating a cell like I want.
>> fileID = fopen('MLsensLiftStart.txt','r');
>> Intro = textscan(fileID,'%s',35,'Delimiter','\n');
Using this code, I got what I needed out of the file. I have one more question, though if anyone could please help. I need to create a structure array that organizes my cell data. It is all being stored in a 35x1 cell, but I need each of the 35 rows to have individual names and be easily seen when I open the cell.
per isakson
per isakson on 8 Jun 2016
Edited: per isakson on 8 Jun 2016
The file, MLsensLiftStartexample.txt, is uploaded twice. The two copies are identical(?). It contains 13 rows and the longest is 7060 bytes. It's tab delimited. It contains 1(row header) + 72(data) columns.
  • "I need to create a structure array" &nbsp Structure field names may be created based on the row headers in the first column. (Alternatively, the row headers may be used as key values of a containers.Map object.)
  • I imagine that you want a scalar, a&nbsp<1x1 struct>, structure. However, a&nbsp<1x72 struct> is an alternative.
  • "individual names and be easily seen" &nbsp asks for a table object.
Describe the structure you want.

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Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 8 Jun 2016
This code will read in the whole file (well, it works on your sample file):
fid = fopen('MLsensLiftStartexample.txt','rt');
hdr = fgetl(fid);
txt = fgetl(fid);
pos = ftell(fid);
N = numel(regexp(fgetl(fid),'[^\t]+','match'));
fmt = repmat('%s',1,N);
C = textscan(fid,fmt,'Delimiter','\t');
C = horzcat(C{:});
N = str2double(C);
Have a look at the variable C: all of the data is there, and the equivalent numeric in N (where appropriate).

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