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Contourf colorbar control :white and rainbow

3 views (last 30 days)
Utsav on 30 May 2016
Commented: Utsav on 30 May 2016
I have following plot with contourf, I used command contourf(dd,Z,SS); SS in the matrix
I need SS<5 to be displayed in white and above 5 in rainbow palette.
SS(SS<=5) = NaN; gives scissorcut image much to my chagrin
Please help friends!
  1 Comment
Utsav on 30 May 2016
I could find out the answer in the link
reply by Alessandro Toso
[hC hC] = contourf(interp2(e_av,2,'spline'),[0.12:0.01:0.3]); > set(hC,'LineStyle','none'); > colorbar;

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