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Implementation of PID Pole Placement

12 views (last 30 days)
Darryll Bachoo
Darryll Bachoo on 22 May 2016
Answered: Arkadiy Turevskiy on 31 May 2016
Hi all,
Can someone help me?
Trying to implement PID Control for Pole placement of the following TF.
Tf = (-1.41)/(s^2-1.5s-2.25)
Having trouble tuning the controller. Any methods or MATLAB code you can recommend?

Answers (1)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy on 31 May 2016
So which one are you trying to do: tune a PID controller or design a controller using pole placement. Pole placement is done on a full state feedback, PID would act on just the system output.
To design a PID controller:
Tf = (-1.41)/(s^2-1.5*s-2.25); %define plant transfer function
C=pidtune(Tf,'pidf') % design a PID controller with filter derivative
step(feedback(C*Tf,1)); % compute and plot the step response
To design pole placement controller:
sys=ss(Tf); % convert to state-space form
K=place(sys.A,sys.B,[-1 -2]); % design pole placement full state feedback gain to place poles at -1 and -2

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