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Capture and monitor data via IIO with AD9467

9 views (last 30 days)
rotmart on 14 Mar 2016
Edited: Robin Getz on 2 Apr 2018
i build up libiio/IIOD Server on a zc702/ad9467 system and tested it with ADI IIO Oscilloscope for linux+windows - works fine. Now i want to monitor data with simulink on a scope. So i took the AD IIO System Object, build the cfg-file and create a new model (control ports in, scope out). When i run 'normal simulation mode' there are constant values on scope. On 'external simulation mode' there are coding issues with the system_object-file. So there are a few questions:
1) How to set up external simulation mode? Is there any possibility to modify the system_object? 2) Why stay values unchanged on scope? 3) Is the 'output data channel size(samples)' based on the data buffer size?
Thanks for your help!
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Robin Getz
Robin Getz on 2 Apr 2018
Edited: Robin Getz on 2 Apr 2018
best place for answers on libiio questions used with ADI's converteres is Analog Device's EngineerZone :

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