Factor Model-Empty answer

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Alessandro on 7 Mar 2016
Hi everyone, I'm trying to run a multivariate regression in order to estimate a factor model. Everything is running but when I look at the results my variables are empty. For example beta in the Workspace is: []. The same for the other results. Any hint?
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%Data Import data=importdata('PortfolioData.xlsx');
%% Naming Variables
Returns2=[Identities(2:end,1) Returns];
FReturns=fints(Dates, Returns2(1:end-1,1));
%% Define Factor list
FactorList = {'MktmRf'; 'SMB'; 'HML'; 'MOM' };
FactorData = [MKTMRF SMB HML MOM];
%% Get Information about the data
AssetList=setdiff(SeriesList, FactorList);
NumSeries = numel(SeriesList);
NumAssets = numel(AssetList);
%% Primary controls
TMonth = 9; % terminal month for each historical analysis period
Window = 5; % historical analysis period in years
MaxNaNs = 4*260; % max number of daily NaNs in an analysis period
%% Set up date math
StartYear = year(Dates(1));
StartMonth = month(Dates(1));
EndYear = year(Dates(end));
EndMonth = month(Dates(end));
NumPeriods = EndYear - StartYear - Window + 1;
%% AnalysisPeriod = NaN(NumPeriods,1);
Alpha = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
Beta = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
SMB = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
HML = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
Sigma = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
StdAlpha = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
StdBeta = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
StdSMB = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
StdHML = NaN(NumAssets, NumPeriods);
FFLLF = NaN(NumPeriods,1);
FFDoF = NaN(NumPeriods,1);
FFXLLF = NaN(NumPeriods,1);
FFXDoF = NaN(NumPeriods,1);
%%Step 8 - main loop
TYear = StartYear + Window; % initial terminal year
for K = 1:NumPeriods % Step 8a - get start and end dates for current analysis period StartDate = datenum(TYear - Window,TMonth,eomday(TYear,TMonth)) + 1; EndDate = datenum(TYear,TMonth,eomday(TYear,TMonth)); % Step 8b - locate actual start and end dates in the data StartIndex = find(Dates >= StartDate,1,'first'); EndIndex = find(Dates <= EndDate,1,'last');
AnalysisPeriod(K) = Dates(EndIndex); % Step 8c - determine active assets for current analysis period %%%%OK
Active = true(NumAssets,1); for i = 1:NumAssets TestActive = sum(~isfinite(fts2mat(FReturns.(AssetList{i})(StartIndex:EndIndex)))); if TestActive > MaxNaNs; Active(i) = false; end end NumActive = sum(Active);
% Step 8d - set up regression with active assets over current date range %%%OK
Dates = Dates(StartIndex:EndIndex);
AssetData = fts2mat(FReturns.(AssetList));
AssetData = AssetData(StartIndex:EndIndex,Active);
FactorData = FactorData(StartIndex:EndIndex,:);
AssetData = AssetData - repmat(FactorData(:,1),1,size(AssetData,2));
NumSamples = size(AssetData,1);
Design = cell(NumSamples,1); for t = 1:NumSamples Design{t} = repmat([ 1, FactorData(t,2:4)],NumActive,1); end
XDesign = cell(NumSamples,1); for t = 1:NumSamples XDesign{t} = repmat(FactorData(t,2:4),NumActive,1); end % Step 8e - set up seemingly-unrelated regression
FactorDesign = convert2sur(Design,1:NumActive); XFactorDesign = convert2sur(XDesign,1:NumActive);
% Step 8f - multivariate normal regression
MaxIter = 1000;
TolObj = 1.0e-10;
TolParam = 1.0e-8;
[Param, Covar] = ecmmvnrmle(AssetData, FactorDesign, MaxIter, TolParam, TolObj);
StdParam = ecmmvnrstd(AssetData, FactorDesign, Covar, 'fisher');
% estimate model with Alpha = 0 restriction
[XParam, XCovar] = ecmmvnrmle(AssetData, XFactorDesign, MaxIter, TolParam, TolObj);
% Step 8g - compute log-likelihood functions
FFLLF(K) = ecmmvnrobj(AssetData, FactorDesign, Param, Covar); FFXLLF(K) = ecmmvnrobj(AssetData, XFactorDesign, XParam, XCovar); FFDoF(K) = NumActive; FFXDoF(K) = NumActive;
% Step 8h - pack estimates into analysis variables Param = reshape(Param,4,NumActive)'; StdParam = reshape(StdParam,4,NumActive)'; Alpha(Active,K) = Param(:,1); Beta(Active,K) = Param(:,2); SMB(Active,K) = Param(:,3); HML(Active,K) = Param(:,4);
Sigma(Active,K) = sqrt(diag(Covar)); StdAlpha(Active,K) = StdParam(:,1); StdBeta(Active,K) = StdParam(:,2); StdSMB(Active,K) = StdParam(:,3); StdHML(Active,K) = StdParam(:,4); % Step 8i - increment year by 1
TYear = TYear + 1; end %%

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