MMSE of a Gaussian noisy image

2 views (last 30 days)
Muzammil Behzad
Muzammil Behzad on 21 Feb 2016
Commented: Muzammil Behzad on 24 Feb 2016
Hi everyone,
I have a Gaussian noise corrupted image and I need to know how can I find the MMSE estimate of the entire noisy image in MATLAB? or how can I find the MMSE estimate of a Gaussian noise vector/signal (because I can divide the entire image into small patch vectors)?

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Feb 2016
The Image Processing Toolbox has a function immse(). Use that.
Muzammil Behzad
Muzammil Behzad on 22 Feb 2016
Ok thanks for your help.
I'll try to upgrade and will then see if the problem gets solved. Thanks.
Muzammil Behzad
Muzammil Behzad on 24 Feb 2016
Hi again.
I upgraded to MATLAB 2014b but when I checked the immse() function I came to notice that you may haven't gotten my question. My question is that I have a noisy image and I want to find its estimate/denoised version by using MMSE (minimum mean square error) as estimator, so how can I do it in MATLAB? What approach/steps should I use to get the denoised version using MMSE estimator?

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