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How to convert images from jpg to MetaImage file format?

3 views (last 30 days)
I want to convert .jpg images to MetaImage file format. Image information as below:
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
A 1398x1611 2252178 uint8
Can anyone please be kind enough to tell me whether JPG TO Metaimage file conversion is feasible in MatLab?
Jan on 18 Feb 2016
I've searched a little bit in the net and could not find a unique and clear definition of what "Metaimage" is. Please provide any details.
Chathu on 18 Feb 2016
Edited: Chathu on 18 Feb 2016
Sorry for for not being too specific before. But thanks for your response Jan.
MetaImage means mhd extension. Pls see the link:
So these are medical images and i really want to reconstruct a 3D model from these 2D images. Can i convert my jpg images to mhd format in MatLab? How can i overcome this issue?

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Answers (1)

Stalin Samuel
Stalin Samuel on 18 Feb 2016
  1 Comment
Chathu on 20 Feb 2016
Sorry for replying you late. But i ended up using some other inbuilt function(eg;dicomwrite) to overcome my issue as i was in a rush. But thank you for your response, Stalin.

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