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How to specify an asymmetric and square matrix P of 2x2 dimension in LMI Editor Window of Robust Control Toolbox? I have specifed my problem more clearly in body. Please help me.

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In the LMI Editor Window, I am specifying Matrix Variables as: X S [2 1] M S [2 1] P R [2 1] and in the LMI Editor Window, I am describing the LMI's as matrix expression as: [X 0 -A1'*P; 0 M-X -A2'*P; -P'*A1 -P'*A2 M]>0 M>0 X>0 P>0 when providing the Known matrices values of A1 ana A2 and on running this LMI a message is coming that In (1,1) block of LMI #4, non-symmetric term AXB was replaced by (AXB+B'X'A')/2. For safety, set FLAG='s' to specify AXB+B'X'A' in one shot . The problem is that I have to calculate the asymmetric P value but Mat-lab automatically convert into a symmetric form. How to get an asymmetric value of P? Or Is I am doing anythig wrong in Specifying this asymmetric matrix P . I have to take this matrix as asymmetric.

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