Color 2D plot according to external vector
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I have a (10 x 501) matrix Y of, let's say, absorbances values from spectroscopic data. I have a (1 x 501) vector X of, let's say, corresponding wavenumbers. And I have a (1 x 10) vector Z of properties referring to the samples for which the Y values where recorded. I simply want to do plot(X,Y) and color the different lines according to the corresponding values of Z, i.e. a line corresponding to high Z value will have a different color from a line for which the Z value is small. But 2 samples with same Z values will have the same color for the 2 lines.
Basically I would like to reproduce what is available with scatter(X,Y,size,Z)....but for 2D plot and lines. Thanks for your help
Answers (3)
Daniel Shub
on 9 Dec 2011
Something like this might work:
Create some dummy data:
x = sort(randn(1, 501));
y = randn(10, 501)+repmat(5*(1:10)', 1, 501);
z = rand(10,1)*100;
Plot the data
colorMap = jet(length(unique(z)));
set(gcf, 'ColorMap', colorMap);
h = plot(x,y);
Change the color of the lines:
[~, ~, colorNo] = unique(z);
for icolor = 1:length(unique(z))
set(h(colorNo == icolor), 'color', colorMap(mod(icolor-1, length(colorMap))+1, :))
set(gca, 'CLim', [min(z), max(z)])
on 9 Dec 2011
1 Comment
Daniel Shub
on 9 Dec 2011
You should really add this as a comment to my answer. See my edited answer.
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