Trouble using the 3-D point cloud registration and stitching example

4 views (last 30 days)
Hi All,
I am following the 3-D point cloud and registration example from here. and having some difficulties. I am trying to merge images from 5 cameras into a single point cloud. The point cloud data I am using has been manually aligned ( rotated and translated) to a great extent. So I was hoping that ICP could do some fine alignment , but the ICP package completely busts the geomtery,ends up matching the wrong planes. The joined data between 2 cameras looks misaligned. So wanted to know/ understand how to use the tool better. Because the example really makes it look very simple. Attaching my function to the post. I wanted to attach the raw data as well, but each file size is > 10MB. So let me know what is a good way to do that ? Also is there a way some one could provide me the data set that was used in the example above ? That might help me understand if I am doing something wrong with our data.
Best Chinmay
  1 Comment
Zheng on 18 Jun 2015
Is it possible to share your data? There are some data dependent tricks to make ICP work, so it would be easier if I can play with the data first.

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Answers (1)

Andrew Schenk
Andrew Schenk on 19 Jun 2015
You can run the the 3-D point cloud and registration example by typing the following in the MATLAB Command Window:
>> edit StitchPointCloudsExample
From that M file notice the example point cloud data can be loaded with the following MATLAB code:
dataDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'), 'visiondata', 'livingRoom.mat');
Muhammad Hammad Malik
Muhammad Hammad Malik on 16 Oct 2018
Edited: Muhammad Hammad Malik on 17 Oct 2018
hello Andrew Schenk. i want to ask one thing that using "dataDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'), 'visiondata', 'livingRoom.mat'); load(dataDir);" we can upload builtin matlab data but i want to use my data, which i have in my laptop, so how can i do that?kindly help me in this regard.thanks

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