Saving Excel file and update sheet name

2 views (last 30 days)
Kamuran on 26 May 2015
I would like to save my data to excel file. I am going to utilize several sheets and I would like to also name them while creating the excel file. For example;
xlswrite(Data_Pathway,DATA_SET_2,'sheet2','A2') ; % Data_Pathway is location of the file with its name. % DATA_SET_2 is my data that I am saving % To sheet2 starting from A2, because 1 row has the header. I a solution below (<> that requires opening the excel file again and I would like to avoid that if possible.
filename = 'C:\SomeExcelFile.xls'; % Open Excel Automation server Excel = actxserver('Excel.Application'); % Make Excel visible Excel.Visible=1; % Open Excel file Workbook = Excel.Workbooks.Open(filename); % Get the list of sheets in the workbook Sheets = Excel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets; % Rename the first sheet Sheets.Item(1).Name = 'This is sheet 1';

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