How to use retime to get the plot of mean and stdev in continous time series
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Adi Purwandana
on 18 Oct 2024
Commented: Star Strider
on 21 Oct 2024
Hello there,
I have a datasets containing y-values in multi-years time series. My intention is getting the plot of monthly mean and its shaded error bars. The datasets contain long span of months which crossing the following year, i.e. in my datasets (attached) there from February, 2020 until December 2022.
But, at first, I want to get the data cleaned by selecting only y-value with a certain range. Here is my first sight code:
T = readtable('datamine');
Tr = table2timetable(T, 'RowTimes','time');
Tx = table(Tr.time,Tr.value_y,'VariableNames',{'time_a','val'});
idx = Tx.val>= 12 & Tx.val< 13.4; % selecting only y-value with a certain range
Tx_mean = retime(Tx(idx,:),'monthly','mean'); % get monthly averaged values ==> Failed
Tx_std = retime(Tx(idx,:),'monthly',@std); % get monthly stdev values ==> Failed
I tried to use directly retime function but it failed. Anyone know to get continous monthly mean and its shaded error bars properly?
More or less, the plot should be like this. The x-axis is continous months, crossing the following years:
Accepted Answer
Star Strider
on 19 Oct 2024
The correct way to express the deviation of cata around the mean is to use the standard error of the mean, given by:
where σ is the standard deviation and N are the number of data used to calculate it.
T1 = readtable('datamine.xlsx')
TT1 = table2timetable(T1)
SEM = @(x) std(x)/sqrt(numel(x));
TT1momean = retime(TT1, 'monthly', 'mean')
TT1mosem = retime(TT1, 'monthly', SEM)
TT1monum = retime(TT1, 'monthly', 'count');
[Nmin,Nmax] = bounds(TT1monum{:,1})
% TT1Time = TT1mosem.time;
% TT1SEM = TT1mosem{:,1};
plot(TT1momean.time, TT1momean{:,1}, '-k')
hold on
patch([TT1mosem.time; flip(TT1mosem.time)], [TT1momean{:,1}-TT1mosem{:,1}*1.96; flip(TT1momean{:,1}+TT1mosem{:,1}*1.96)], 'r', 'FaceAlpha',0.25, 'EdgeColor','r')
hold off
title('Mean ±95% CI')
The SEM values are quite small when compared to the mean values (on the order of ) so they are barely visible. I did a separate accumulation for the number of values in each month, and since they were all above 330, using the 95% confidence intervals from the normal distribution is a safe estimate. It is not necessary to use the t-distribution, since it will closely approximate the normal distribution with this many degrees-of-freedom.
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