- Go to the design view in App Designer.
- Right-click on the state button.
- Click "Replace with" > "Button".
App designer Locks me out of editing things I need to change
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- I should be able to edit comments or add a comment at the top of an app created
% Button pushed function: SavingFolderButton
function SavingFolderButtonPushed(app, event)
% Set up the folder and files for output
% Have user browse for a file, from a specified "starting folder."
This is just ugly
2. I accidently got a 'state' button when I dragged the push button icon to my design view I have no idea how or when that happened:
% Create RandomizeTrialsButton
app.RandomizeTrialsButton = uibutton(app.TrialsListInput, 'state');
Now I can't change it back to 'push' by editing the Creator. Is there some other magic place I can do that?
Accepted Answer
on 12 Aug 2024
For your first question, App Designer in MATLAB separates the code into editable and non-editable sections. The non-editable sections are auto-generated by App Designer to ensure the integrity and proper functioning of the app. Currently, MATLAB does not support editing these auto-generated code sections directly within the App Designer environment.
For more details on editable and non-editable code, you can refer to the following documentation:
For your second question, it appears that the button type has been mistakenly switched to a 'state' button. This can be reverted to a 'push' button by following these steps:
This should change the button back to its original 'push' state.
Hope this helps!
More Answers (1)
on 12 Aug 2024
Hi Gavin,
If you accidentally created a 'state' button instead of a 'push' button, you can change it back by editing the properties in App Designer or by modifying the code.Using App Designer Interface
- Select the Button: In the design view, click on the button you want to change.
- Change the Button Type: In the "Component Browser", find the button and select it. In the "Inspector" tab, look for the "Type" property and change it from 'state' to 'push'.
Hope this helps.
See Also
Find more on Develop Apps Using App Designer in Help Center and File Exchange
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