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exporting strings out of structure into a vector

1 view (last 30 days)
Hello MatlabCentral-community,
I have a structure(1*k). For k images there is one time data. Now, I want to generate a vector (for each image one time data). But unfortunately, I'm struggling with this task.
I tried it by:
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('C:\Users\Pictures\Cam\*.jpg', ...
'Select Pictures for processing',...
nop = length(filename); % number of pictures
for k = 1:nop
n = num2str(k);
info_all = imfinfo(fullfile(pathname, filename{k}));
Img_info(k) = info_all;
% until here it works (getting one single string)
timeinfo_single = Img_info.FileModDate
timevector(k) = Img_info(k).FileModDate
I would be very happy, if somebody could put me on the right track,

Accepted Answer

Guillaume on 30 Apr 2015
As per Nobel's answer, you end you loop prematurely, the end should be in the last line.
it still won't work though as you can't put several strings (FileModDate) into a matrix, you have to use a cell array. Therefore, the end of your program should read:
timevector{k} = Img_Info(k).FileModDate;
Unless you meant to put a datenum in your timevector, in which case:
timevector(k) = datenum(Img_info(k).FileModDate);
By the way, I find your choice of variable name confusing. info_all is the information of a single image and Img_Info is the info of all images.
Finally, the way I would have written the same code would have been with just these three lines:
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile('C:\Users\Pictures\Cam\*.jpg', ...
'Select Pictures for processing',...
Img_Info = cellfun(@(fname) imfinfo(fullfile(pathname, fname)), filename);
timevector = datenum({Img_Info.FileModDate});

More Answers (2)

Nobel Mondal
Nobel Mondal on 30 Apr 2015
Your Img_info variable is storing only the information of the last (nop-th) image, since it is outside the for loop.

Gemma on 2 May 2015
Thank you both very much! Now it works and is furthermore elegant!
I still tend to write rather cumbersome.

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