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Extracting profiles from a point cloud surface along the mazimum dip of the plane

25 views (last 30 days)
Dear all,
Based on the result of this code (blue cloud rotated), I need to extract a series of profiles (with a fixed diastance) to get the Z values of all the points constituting the profile. These profiles should be extracted from vertical planes oriented according to the maximum slope of the cloud.
Thanks in advance!!
you have other ideas, they are accepted!! I have included a sketch of what I would like.
clear all
close all
X = XYZ(:,1);
Y = XYZ(:,2);
Z = XYZ(:,3);
A=XYZ-xyz0; % center the data at zero
% Find the direction of most variance using SVD and rotate the data to make
% that the x-axis
T=makehgtform('axisrotate', a, -atan2(norm(a),V(3,3)));
A_rot = A*R;
A_rot = A_rot + [xyz0(1) xyz0(2) 0]; % move so the centers are aligned in z-diection
% Plot the raw data
close all
hold on
axis equal
Elisa ungefär 13 timmar ago
dear @Umar thank you so much!! i get an error: "At least one END is missing. The statement beginning here does not have a matching end. "
Umar ungefär 10 timmar ago

Hi Elisa,

I have updated the code, please execute the code and let me know if this is what you are looking for.


X = XYZ(:,1);

Y = XYZ(:,2);

Z = XYZ(:,3);


A=XYZ-xyz0; % center the data at zero

% Find the direction of most variance using SVD and rotate the data

[~, ~, V] = svd(A, 0);

a = cross(V(:,3), [0;0;1]);

T = makehgtform('axisrotate', a, -atan2(norm(a), V(3,3)));

R = T(1:3, 1:3);

A_rot = A * R;

A_rot = A_rot + [xyz0(1) xyz0(2) 0];

% Determine the slope of the cloud and extract profiles

slope = max(abs(diff(A_rot(:,3))));

fixed_distance = 0.1; % Set the fixed distance for profile extraction

% Extract profiles based on the slope

for i = 1:size(A_rot, 1) if abs(diff(A_rot(i,3))) == slope profile_points = A_rot(i, :);

        % Extract points at fixed distance along the slope
        for j = 1:fixed_distance:slope
            % Calculate the points along the profile
            profile_points = [profile_points; A_rot(i, 1:2) A_rot(i, 3) + j];
        % Process the profile_points data as needed

% Plot the raw data and extracted profiles

close all

scatter3(X, Y, Z, 0.1, "magenta") hold on scatter3(A_rot(:,1), A_rot(:,2), A_rot(:,3), 0.1, 'blue'); xlabel('X-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold') ylabel('Y-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold') zlabel('Z-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold') axis equal

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