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Property Type in constructor vs dependent

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I am using a function handle in a class and there seems to be a difference whether I set it in properties or in dependent properties. In the second case I need to add a cast to my property or else it doesn't work.
There seems to be some type related thing I do not understand.
Thank you for your help!
This is the function and it's execution (in the class D_b is defined as a double):
D_b = 19;
f = @(t)(D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t));
x = f(linspace(0,pi/4,50)');
Works without cast
When I define it in properties and initialize it via the constructor like below, it works:
properties(SetAccess=immutable, GetAccess=public)
% Base circle diameter
D_b double
% Involute function x axis
i_x function_handle
function obj = Spur()
obj.D_b = 38; %Example
obj.i_x = @(t)(D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t));
Fails without cast
When I try to use dependents it fails unless I cast D_b/2 to a double:
properties (Dependent)
D_b double
i_x function_handle
function db = get.D_b(obj)
db = double(obj.D*cosd(obj.phiDegrees)); %CASTING
function ix = get.i_x(obj)
ix = @(t)(obj.D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t));
If I don't cast the following error occures (which is not the case with my first approach):
Error using *
Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles.
Error in Spur>@(t)(obj.D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t)) (line 97)
ix = @(t)(obj.D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t));
Adam on 22 May 2024
Spur() is the constructor so this kind of property initialisation works fine. If obj hasn't yet been referenced when you assign to a property in the constructor it will create it at that moment.
For the rest, I'm a little confused what the actual problem is, what is working and what isn't, from the example given.
Timo Kuchheuser
Timo Kuchheuser on 22 May 2024
Sorry for being confusing. I will provide both classes below. I wanted to know why in one case my function (i_x) works without casting and in the other case gives me an error when not casting. Where in my code am I loosing the type class information?
Thank you!!!
classdef SpurWorkingWithoutCast
properties(SetAccess=immutable, GetAccess=public)
m double
N uint8 {mustBeInteger, mustBeNonnegative, mustBeGreaterThan(N,1)}
phiDegrees double {mustBeNonnegative}
D double
D_b double
i_x function_handle
function obj = SpurWorkingWithoutCast(m,N,phiDegrees)
obj.m = m;
obj.N = N;
obj.phiDegrees = phiDegrees;
obj.D = obj.m*obj.N;
obj.D_b = obj.D*cosd(obj.phiDegrees);
obj.i_x = @(t)(obj.D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t));
l = linspace(0,pi/4,50)';
sw = SpurWorkingWithoutCast(2,20,20);
x = sw.i_x(l)
Does not work
classdef SpurWorkingOnlyWithCast
properties(SetAccess=immutable, GetAccess=public)
m double
N uint8 {mustBeInteger, mustBeNonnegative, mustBeGreaterThan(N,1)}
phiDegrees double {mustBeNonnegative}
properties (Dependent)
D double
D_b double
i_x function_handle
function d = get.D(obj)
d = obj.m*obj.N;
function db = get.D_b(obj)
%db = double(obj.D*cosd(obj.phiDegrees));
db = obj.D*cosd(obj.phiDegrees);
function ix = get.i_x(obj)
ix = @(t)(obj.D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t));
function obj = SpurWorkingOnlyWithCast(m,N,phiDegrees)
obj.m = m;
obj.N = N;
obj.phiDegrees = phiDegrees;
l = linspace(0,pi/4,50)';
sf = SpurWorkingOnlyWithCast(2,20,20);
x = sf.i_x(l)
Error using *
Integers can only be combined with integers of the same class, or scalar doubles.
Error in SpurWorkingOnlyWithCast>@(t)(obj.D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t)) (line 26)
ix = @(t)(obj.D_b/2)*(cos(t)+t.*sin(t));

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 22 May 2024
Edited: Matt J on 22 May 2024
Property type specifiers, such as the double specifier in,
properties (Dependent)
D_b double
only perform conversions when a value is assigned to the property, not when values are extracted from it. That is true regardless of whether the property is Dependent or not. However, a consequence of D_b being Dependent in your particular design of SpurWorkingOnlyWithCast is that you never assign and store a value to the D_b property, so the double specifier above isn't really doing anything. Only the get.D_b() method is determining the type of the returned value db.
Note that the property type specifier isn't always irrelevant when dealing with Dependent properties. If you had defined a set.D_b() method in SpurWorkingOnlyWithCast, then the double specifier would cause any assignment of the form obj.D_b=val to pre-convert val to double before passing it to set.D_b().
Ultimately, I think the best solution is to get rid of the casting of N to uint8. There is no reason to have that if you are going to be deriving non-integer quantities from N:
properties(SetAccess=immutable, GetAccess=public)
N {mustBeInteger, mustBeNonnegative, mustBeGreaterThan(N,1)}
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Timo Kuchheuser
Timo Kuchheuser on 23 May 2024
Thank you very much for your explanation! Removing the uint8 worked.

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