How to use N-channel igbt block from simulink with I-V characteristics defined from '3d lookup table' option to give similar output characteristics from datasheets?

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Hello all,In my application,I am trying to develop IGBT using gate driver circuit.
When Im selecting I-V characteristics defined by: 3D lookup table (temperature dependant), Im always getting Ic as 0 in the output. But in the syntax in the "help" documentation is given as zeroes(Vge,Vce,T). I also tried giving different combinations of Ic according to Vge,Vce and T. For example assuming Ic as 2x2x2 matrix .
First combination: [[[0,0],[60,100]],[[90,200],[250,400]]]
Second combination: [[0,0,60,100],[90,200,250,400]]
But nothing works,it doesn't consider as 3D matrix. Then how exactly i should give the values especially Ic so that i do not get just 0s or errors. I have attached the model and datasheet output characteristics.

Answers (1)

Ning Wang
Ning Wang on 26 Apr 2024
Perhaps you could try the software that supports the spice model, like ltspice


More Answers in the  Power Electronics Control




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