- Sampling Rate and Data Size: The way you process the data and compute its spectrum will depend on the sampling rate of your signal and the size of the data chunks you're working with.
- Real-Time Performance: Real-time performance depends on the processing speed and the data transfer rate. There might be a slight delay between the actual data transmission and the display, depending on these factors.
- MATLAB Toolboxes Required: Ensure you have the necessary MATLAB toolboxes (e.g., Signal Processing Toolbox, Instrument Control Toolbox) for the tasks mentioned above.
Display signal spectrum in real time
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I want to display real-time signal spectrum transmitted from FPGA Board to computer via ethernet port. Can I do it with Matlab?
Answers (1)
on 22 Feb 2024
Edited: Hassaan
on 22 Feb 2024
Step 1: Establish Ethernet Connection
First, you need to establish a connection between MATLAB and your FPGA board over Ethernet. This can be done using MATLAB's Instrument Control Toolbox, which allows you to create TCP/IP or UDP objects for sending and receiving data over the network.
% Example for creating a TCP/IP connection
fpga = tcpip('', 1234); % Use your FPGA board's IP address and port
Step 2: Configure Data Reading
Configure how you want MATLAB to read the data from the FPGA. You can set up a continuous read operation using readasync or manually read within a loop using fread, depending on your needs.
Step 3: Process the Received Data
As you receive the signal data from the FPGA, you'll need to process it to compute its spectrum. This typically involves applying a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) using the Signal Processing Toolbox. You can process the data in chunks to simulate real-time processing.
% Example of processing a chunk of data
data = fread(fpga, dataSize, 'double'); % Read a chunk of data
spectrum = fft(data); % Compute the spectrum
Step 4: Display the Spectrum in Real-Time
Use MATLAB plotting functions to display the spectrum. To update the display in real-time, you can use the plot function within a loop and update the plot data using set function calls. Alternatively, use the animatedline function for more efficient updates.
% Example of setting up a real-time plot
h = plot(nan, nan); % Initial plot
title('Real-Time Spectrum');
% In your loop, update the plot
set(h, 'XData', freqs, 'YData', abs(spectrum));
drawnow; % Update the plot
Step 5: Clean Up
Don't forget to close the connection when you're done to free up resources.
clear fpga;
See also:
See also [RAW Ethernet]:
See Also
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