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RT Lab library in Matlab

36 views (last 30 days)
ASIF ALI on 14 Feb 2024
Answered: Sammy on 7 May 2024
I have installed RT-Lab 2024, and i have matlab 2021a, but i can not find RT liberary ib simulink, any one know about it.

Answers (1)

Sammy on 7 May 2024
Kindly heck and ensure that your installed RT-Lab version is compatible with your MATLAB version. Compatibility issues might arise if the RT-Lab version you have installed does not support the MATLAB version you're using.
Then you can manually add the RT-Lab library in your Simulink environment just by running a script within MATLAB.
The script is located within your RT-Lab installation folder: C:\OPAL-RT\RT-LAB\[RT-Lab version]\simulink\m\setup_rtlab.m
Also check the Installation guide:


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