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save images inside a for loop at uneven intervals

2 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to save images inside the Img array that is generated inside the for loop at uneven iteration numbers. For example sometimes image generated at 10th iteration, while sometimes it's at 150th iteration. How to handle this?
for i = 1:a
B = some process % my image
Img(:,:,) = B

Accepted Answer

Voss on 25 Jan 2024
Here's one way that may work for your particular task:
Img = zeros(0,0,0);
for i = 1:a
B = some process % my image
if ... % if some condition says to store this B in Img
Img(:,:,end+1) = B;
Voss on 25 Jan 2024
Maybe something along these lines:
Img = zeros(0,0,0);
last_stored_time = ts(1);
for i = 1:a
B = some process % my image
if ts(i) - last_stored_time >= 200
Img(:,:,end+1) = B;
last_stored_time = ts(i);

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More Answers (2)

Matt J
Matt J on 25 Jan 2024
Edited: Matt J on 25 Jan 2024
One way,
Isubset=[10 47, 150,...,a]
for i = 1:a
B = some process % my image
if ismember(i,Isubset)
Img(:,:,i) = B;
  1 Comment
Turbulence Analysis
Turbulence Analysis on 25 Jan 2024
Moved: Voss on 25 Jan 2024
Hi Matt,
Actually iteration number 10, 150 is just an example, in reality these numbers are highly random.

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Matt J
Matt J on 25 Jan 2024
Edited: Matt J on 25 Jan 2024
If you don't know in advance which and how many loop iterations you'll be storing, it would be best to accumulate them in a cell array, and then post-concatenate:
Img = cell(1,a);
for i = 1:a
B = some process % my image
if ... % if some condition says to store this B in Img
Img{i} = B;
Img=cat(3,Img{:}); %empty cells are discarded

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