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Assigning letters to numbers

3 views (last 30 days)
Martin on 7 Dec 2023
Commented: Voss on 7 Dec 2023
Hi, I have a simple question. I'm trying to do a Hill Cipher decryption as a project, and I wanted to add "space" as 0, and start A as 1, all the way through Z as 26, so that the cipher will be done with mod27 instead. I could get my alphabets
alphabets = 'A':'Z';
Map(alphabets) = 1:length(alphabets);
But I would like to start from "space" as 0.

Accepted Answer

Voss on 7 Dec 2023
alphabets = [' ', 'A':'Z'];
Map(alphabets) = 0:numel(alphabets)-1;

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