MATLAB matファイル 保存方法

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Ryotaro Torikai
Ryotaro Torikai on 20 Oct 2023
Answered: Jaynik on 23 Oct 2023
MATLABのSimulinkでstateful Predict を使用するために、mファイル上で実行したLSTMをmatファイルとして保存したいです。

Accepted Answer

Jaynik on 23 Oct 2023
Hi Ryotaro,
私は日本語がネイティブではないので、この質問に英語で答えてみます。 ご理解のほどよろしくお願いいたします。
I understand that you are trying to save a ‘LSTM’ model to a ‘mat’ file for using it with the ‘Stateful Predict’ block in Simulink. Once you have finished training your model using the ‘trainNetwork’ function, you can directly save your model using the 'save' function. Following is a sample code to perform the given task:
net = trainNetwork(features,responses,layers,options);
save('lstm_model.mat', 'net'); % Saves the model as 'mat' file
loadedModel = load('lstm_model.mat');
net1 =; % For loading the model in MATLAB
Once the model is saved, you can use it with the 'Stateful Predict' block of Simulink.
You can read more about the 'save' function here:
Hope this helps!

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