How to add a single line to my plot??

3 views (last 30 days)
Brenno Selli
Brenno Selli on 20 Oct 2023
Answered: Chunru on 20 Oct 2023
I know it seems easy, but I'm having trouble doing this.
I basically need to plot horizontal lines with a length of 0.1m to the left and right of each of the points in my scatterplot.
After that, I need to allocate 2 vertical lines that connect the ends of the two horizontal lines I made previously, this way I would be making a kind of box, the boxplot function doesn't help me in this case, I need to do it this way, no matter how deoptimized or "brute" it is.

Accepted Answer

Chunru on 20 Oct 2023
Your specification is not clear and this is a guess.
x = 2*rand(10, 1);
y = 2*rand(10, 1);
scatter(x, y)
hold on
dx = 0.1; dy = 0.1;
for i=1:length(x)
plot(x(i)+dx*[-1 1 1 -1 -1], y(i)+dy*[-1 -1 1 1 -1], 'r-');

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