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Why is my matrix a scalar?

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Noya Linder
Noya Linder on 13 Jul 2023
Edited: Torsten on 13 Jul 2023
Hi, so I've been trying to create a Z matrix to plot using "surf":
Z = [];
x = 0;
for tt = T
x = x+1;
y = 0;
for rr = R
y = y+1;
Z(x, y) = j_nu(3, R(y), T(x), R, T, dRdt);
But Z ends up being a 1X1 matrix... what did I do wrong?
Stephen23 on 13 Jul 2023
Edited: Stephen23 on 13 Jul 2023
What are T and R ? Please give us all data required to run your code.
The obvious answer is that you only allocate data once to Z, e.g. this might occur if T and R are column vectors.
Noya Linder
Noya Linder on 13 Jul 2023
Yes, that was the problem. Thank you so much - I'm not used to working like this with vectors haha

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Accepted Answer

Noya Linder
Noya Linder on 13 Jul 2023
Edited: Torsten on 13 Jul 2023
Hi, the problem was I needed to convert my arrays to row vectors which I did by:
R = R.';
T = T.';
I don't know if this was the smartest way to do so but it works for me so thank you Stephen23 for pointing out that issue.
Also, thank you Nandini for pointing out my way of appointing values to Z was not efficient and showing me how it should be done. Have a great evening (or morning, wherever you are)!

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