How to save multiple figures generated from a single script?

2 views (last 30 days)
I'm running a batch of testcases, Each testcase generates 3 scopes from simulation. I could able to save one scope as a 'figure' in a folder. But I have 3 scopes for each testcase. How to save 3 scopes for each testcase for running all testcases at once (in a batch)?
Thank you in advance
Hope I explained clearly

Answers (1)

Divyajyoti Nayak
Divyajyoti Nayak on 13 Jul 2023
Instead of saving figures from the scope, you could save the data from the scope into matlab workspace and then plot it into different figures. You can use the save data workspace option in the scope block.
Here's a stackoverflow question that might help: Save Simulink Scope Data to figure through matlab code - Stack Overflow

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