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please help me modify the code i want to simulate the temperature profile distributed along the height of the adsorption column

3 views (last 30 days)
% Constants
L = 0.050; % Column height (m)
N = 100; % Number of grid points
dz = L / (N-1); % Grid spacing (Note: modified to include boundary points)
tFinal = 100.0; % Final time (s)
dt = 1.0; % Time step size
% Physical properties
lambda_L = 1.0; % Thermal conductivity of liquid phase (W/mK)
rho_p = 1000.0; % Particle density (kg/m^3)
C_g = 1000.0; % Heat capacity of gas phase (J/kgK)
epsilon = 0.4; % Void fraction
h_f = 100.0; % Heat transfer coefficient between gas and solid phases (W/m^2K)
a_s = 0.01; % Surface area per unit volume of solid phase (m^2/m^3)
h_w = 5000.0; % Heat transfer coefficient between gas phase and wall (W/m^2K)
d_int = 0.1; % Internal diameter of the column (m)
% Initialization
T = 298.15 * ones(N, 1); % Initial temperature (K)
T(N) = 393.15; % Boundary condition at the top of the column (K)
% Finite difference method
numSteps = round(tFinal / dt);
for step = 1:numSteps
% Temperature profile update
for i = 2:(N-1)
T(i) = T(i) + dt * ((lambda_L / dz^2) * (T(i+1) - 2 * T(i) + T(i-1)) + ...
(rho_p * C_g / dz) * (T(i) - T(i-1)) + ...
(C_g * rho_p / dt) * (T(i) - 298.15) + ...
((1 - epsilon) / epsilon) * h_f * a_s * (T(i) - T(N)) + ...
(4 * h_w / (epsilon * d_int)) * (T(i) - T(1)));
% Boundary conditions update
T(1) = T(2); % Temperature at the bottom of the column (adiabatic)
T(N) = 273.14; % Boundary condition at the top of the column (K)
% Plotting
z = linspace(0, L, N);
plot(z, T);
xlabel('Column Height (m)');
ylabel('Temperature (K)');
title('Temperature Distribution in the Adsorption Column');
Ofentse Maila
Ofentse Maila on 1 Jul 2023
i am still not getting the curve that simulate the tempearture distributed along the column height, please recommend to me what modification i i should do in order to obtain the curve
Torsten on 1 Jul 2023
What is the mathematical model for the temperature ? Could you supply the PDE with initial and boundary conditions ? Your discretized form from above looks quite strange.

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Accepted Answer

Torsten on 1 Jul 2023
Moved: Torsten on 1 Jul 2023
If you don't want to save the temperatures for all time steps, you need at least two arrays T_old and T_new such that your advancing in time would somehow look like
T_new(i) = T_old(i) + dt*...
instead of
T(i) = T(i) + dt * ...
The latter will make problems because you mix old and new temperatures in the expressions following the dt * .

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