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How to generate emxAPI.h and emxutil.h files on MATLAB Coder?

14 views (last 30 days)
Hello, my assignment requires me to use MATLAB Coder to generate some files. I didn't install the entirety of the MATLAB app library during installation because I do not have enough space. Does anyone know which apps make the emxAPI.h and emxutil.h files?

Answers (1)

Harsh Mahalwar
Harsh Mahalwar on 25 Jun 2023
Edited: Harsh Mahalwar on 26 Jun 2023
Hi Deo Kim,
I understand, you want to use emxAPI.h and emxutil.h files with MATLAB but you haven't installed the entire app library due to the limited space you have in your computer.
The emxAPI.h and emxutil.h files are typically generated by the MATLAB Coder app. MATLAB Coder is a standalone product that provides an interactive environment for generating C/C++ code from MATLAB code.
You can go on the APPs menu in MATLAB, click on the Install App button, search for MATLAB coder and install it from there.
For generating the emxAPI.h file and emxutil.h files, you can checkout this documentation on how you can include c/c++ header files
Best regards,
Harsh Mahalwar
Deo Kim
Deo Kim on 25 Jun 2023
Thank you for your response, but the app DSP System Toolbox and DSP HDL Toolbox did not generate the emxAPI.h file and emxutil.h files in MATLAB Coder.
Harsh Mahalwar
Harsh Mahalwar on 26 Jun 2023
Edited: Harsh Mahalwar on 26 Jun 2023
For generating the emxAPI.h file and emxutil.h files, you can checkout this documentation on how you can include c/c++ header files
I have added this link to the main answer as well, in case someone faces the same issue and is looking for a solution for the same.

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