How to normalize values in a matrix to be between 0 and 1?

86 views (last 30 days)
I have a matrix Ypred that contain negative values and I want to normalize this matrix between 0 and 1
Ypred=[-0.9630 -1.0107 -1.0774
-1.2075 -1.4164 -1.2135
-1.0237 -1.0082 -1.0714
-1.0191 -1.3686 -1.2105];
I'm new in matlab, please help me, there is a matlab function or toolbox that can do this? thanks
James Tursa
James Tursa on 8 Apr 2015
Edited: James Tursa on 8 Apr 2015
What do you mean by "normalize"? Divide by the max value in the matrix and make all values positive? Do this by columns or rows? Divide by norm of columns or rows? Or what?
Sahar abdalah
Sahar abdalah on 8 Apr 2015
I want to divide by norm of row to make positive values

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Accepted Answer

Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 8 Apr 2015
Edited: Jos (10584) on 8 Apr 2015
This can be simply done in a two step process
  1. subtract the minimum
  2. divide by the new maximum
normA = A - min(A(:))
normA = normA ./ max(normA(:)) % *
note that A(:) makes A into a long list of values. Otherwise min(A) would not return a single value ... Try fro yourself!
  • Edited after comment ...
Sahar abdalah
Sahar abdalah on 8 Apr 2015
Thanks for the code, I just tried this and it not normalised between 0 and 1
Ypred =
-0.9630 -1.0107 -1.0774
-1.2075 -1.4164 -1.2135
-1.0237 -1.0082 -1.0714
-1.0191 -1.3686 -1.2105
normA =
0.4534 0.4057 0.3390
0.2089 0 0.2029
0.3927 0.4082 0.3450
0.3973 0.0478 0.2059
normA =
1.0000 1.0495 1.1188
1.2539 1.4708 1.2601
1.0630 1.0469 1.1126
1.0583 1.4212 1.2570
Jos (10584)
Jos (10584) on 8 Apr 2015
Sorry! The second line of code is wrong ;-) It should read
normA = normA ./ max(normA(:))

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More Answers (3)

James Tursa
James Tursa on 8 Apr 2015
NormRows = sqrt(sum(Ypred.*Ypred,2));
Ynorm = bsxfun(@rdivide,abs(Ypred),NormRows);
John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 10 Mar 2018
Edited: John D'Errico on 10 Mar 2018
Why would you need a citation? If you truly want a citation, just cite MATLAB itself, or perhaps the doc page for bsxfun, but it seems a bit silly to need a citation for a simple code fragment.
Tubi on 22 Mar 2018
Many Thanks John, I believe you are right in your suggestion since they are mostly common MATLAB commands and functions.

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Sahar abdalah
Sahar abdalah on 9 Apr 2015
thank you for your answers. I used both codes and I found two different result. what is the result that I can use?
normA = Ypred - min(Ypred(:))
normA = normA ./ max(normA(:))
normA =
1.0000 0.8948 0.7477
0.4607 0 0.4475
0.8661 0.9003 0.7609
0.8763 0.1054 0.4541
NormRows = sqrt(sum(Ypred.*Ypred,2));
Ynorm = bsxfun(@rdivide,abs(Ypred),NormRows);
Ynorm =
0.5461 0.5731 0.6110
0.5435 0.6375 0.5462
0.5712 0.5625 0.5978
0.4871 0.6542 0.5786
James Tursa
James Tursa on 9 Apr 2015
Use whichever is appropriate for your problem. Jos and I are both trying to interpret what you want, but without any background about the problem you are solving it is a bit of a guessing game at our end.

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c4ndc on 12 Aug 2017
Hello, What is the name of this norm in the accepted answer? (Euclidean, Frobenius etc.)
  1 Comment
Jan on 12 Aug 2017
Please post comments to answers in the section for the comments. You message is not an answer.
The accepted answer does not contain a norm at all, but a "normalization". A matrix norm would reply a scalar, the normalization replies a matrix with the same size, but with shifted and scaled values.

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