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SimPowerSystems PMSM block parameter

3 views (last 30 days)
jayarg64 on 31 Mar 2015
Answered: Sabin on 24 Jan 2024
I have a question regarding the parameter dialog box for the PMSM Simscape block. One of the parameters is "Back EMF Flat Top Area" for the Trapezoidal configuration. Is this the flat region (in electrical degrees) of the Phase back-emf or the Line-to-Line back emf waveform? I think it is the flat region of the Phase back-emf waveform, but I wanted someone to confirm this.
Regards, Ganga

Answers (1)

Sabin on 24 Jan 2024
The "Back EMF Flat Top Area" refers to the flat region of the Phase back-EMF waveform when the motor is configured for a trapezoidal back EMF profile.


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