no matter what i do i get this error: (line 17) fopen(server);
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this is the part of my code i get the error
% Set up TCP/IP server for receiving data
server = tcpip('', 12345, 'NetworkRole', 'server');
server.InputBufferSize = N;
server.Timeout = 30;
% Wait for client connection
disp('Waiting for client connection...');
while server.BytesAvailable == 0
disp('Client connected.');
% Set up TCP/IP client for sending data
client = tcpip('localhost', 12345, 'NetworkRole', 'client');
client.OutputBufferSize = N;
% Transmit and receive data between client and server
T_near_edge = transmit_and_receive_data(T_sensor, client, server, N);
% Close TCP/IP server and client
1 Comment
on 16 Mar 2023
“fopen” tells it to wait until a connection is requested. After the “fopen” there will be a connection unless the attempt fails.
Could you share the exact error you are receiving?
Answers (1)
Sai Sumanth Korthiwada
on 31 Mar 2023
Hi Kyriakos,
I understand that you are facing an issue with 'fopen()'. As per the shared code, you are using 'tcpip()' and 'fopen()' methods.
Use 'tcpclient()' to create a TCP/IP client that connects to a server or hardware and perform read and write operations.
'tcpip()' will be removed in a future release. Please use tcpclient or tcpserver instead. For more information on updating your code, see Compatibility Considerations.
And create 'tcpip' client using: Create TCP/IP Client and Configure Settings
Also, 'fopen(obj)' function will be removed in a future release. Use serialport object functions instead. For more information on updating your code, see Compatibility Considerations.
Hope this helps!
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