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How to accurately measure the height of a 3D structure?

5 views (last 30 days)
I have a 3D data array consisting of a scan of a semi-circular sample on a flat surface. The purpose of this is to image and afterwards detect the height and width of each sample.
To do so, I wrote the following:
data_raw = load('sample.asc'); %3 columns with hundreds of rows
data_filt = imgaussfilt3(data_raw);
x = data_filt(:,1);
y = data_filt(:,2);
z = data_filt(:,3);
dotsize = 6;
scatter3(x, y, z, dotsize, z, 'filled'); %colobar linked to height (z-axis)
xlim([-6 14])
ylim([-20 -6]) %limits where the sample is
I wrote the limits above, as the original image goes from [(-60, 60), (-40, 40) ,(-10, 15)], and this included a lot of noise and unnecessary image space (especially when using the function plot3 instead of scatter3).
To try and measure the height of the sample and its width I thought of doing a simple max/min subtraction within a certain space array, but unfortunately there is enough noise that would make this not work. Is there another way of doing this?
The images below demonstrate the noise and the image before the array limits.
The image above shows all the noise around of the surface on which the sample laid on and why I applied the above limits.
The image below shows the noise still around the area of interest. How do I get the height and width (accurately) of the sample in this case?
I have attempted using imdistline and drawline the first one can only be used in a single dimension and I don't know how to obtain the lengthof the latter.
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 15 Mar 2023
you could share it via internet (like Googledrive or alike) and share the link
Goncalo Costa
Goncalo Costa on 15 Mar 2023
Edited: Goncalo Costa on 15 Mar 2023
I have uploaded it up in the problem desciption. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Accepted Answer

Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 15 Mar 2023
Edited: Mathieu NOE on 15 Mar 2023
this is my rough first trial
NB that I didn't use here any surface smoothing (needs still to be implemented) but I assume you can bring that bak in the code
(I cannot use imgaussfilt3 because I don't have the corresponding toolbox)
one last detail, I draw the lower boundary line once I could remove the "noise" islands from the main shape . I don't know if you prefer to take the mean or the min of the z points belonging to that line , please choose the best option for you
hope this helps !
data_raw = readmatrix('drying_1.asc','FileType','text'); %3 columns with hundreds of rows
x = data_raw(:,1);
y = data_raw(:,2);
z = data_raw(:,3);
% "zoom" into sample area
idx = (x>-6 & x<14) & (y>-20 & y<-6);
x = x(idx);
y = y(idx);
z = z(idx);
dotsize = 6;
scatter3(x, y, z, dotsize, z, 'filled'); %colobar linked to height (z-axis)
% attempt to remove outliers once x,y coordinates are transformed in polar
% coordinates
x_center = mean(x);
y_center = mean(y);
[th,r,z] = cart2pol(x-x_center,y-y_center,z);
% remove "outliers" points => find the best radius for circle fit
M = 100;
[N,EDGES] = histcounts(r,M); % uses M bins.
idx = find(N<2); % find first bin of data with very small amount of samples => "gap" between valid data and noise islands
idx = idx(1);
r_threshold = EDGES(idx); % this should be the radius of the circle that contains the valid data (outside this radius is noise)
% remove points above r_threshold
idx = (r<= r_threshold);
% convert back to cartesian coordinates
[x,y,z] = pol2cart(th(idx),r(idx),z(idx));
scatter3(x, y, z, dotsize, z, 'filled'); %colobar linked to height (z-axis)
% boundary ?
k = boundary(x,y,0.5);
hold on
plot3(x(k), y(k), z(k), 'r'); %colobar linked to height (z-axis)
% height distance
% z_low = mean(z(k));
z_low = min(z(k));
z_high = max(z);
distZ = z_high - z_low
Goncalo Costa
Goncalo Costa on 16 Mar 2023
The reference plane, is just a plane on which the sample being analyzed was place, so yeah it would be that line that you drew. Perfect!
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE on 17 Mar 2023
Edited: Mathieu NOE on 17 Mar 2023
there are several "steps" so I am not quite sure which one is the true reference plane
you see my red line does not truly coincide with both sides too , I think the whole "basement" is not truly parallel to the XY plane (more noticeable seen from the side)

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