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How to optimise a big loop with polyshape, intersection and area?

14 views (last 30 days)
Hello everyone,
I have a matrix of latitudes 'lat' (size 2882 x 3601) and longitudes 'lon' (size 2882 x 3601). This is a MODIS grid, so the latitudes are parallel, but the longitudes aren't. The resulting grid cells aren't regular-shaped rectangles, and are approx. 250 x 250 m.
I also have a polyshape 'polyout' containing 1 huge (milions of vertices) polygon (with holes) showing a specific land cover type (forests).
A small example of how it looks like is in the picture:
green dots - coordinates (taken from the 'lat' and 'lon' matrices)
beige polygon - the 'polyout' forest land cover
What I need to do is: for each grid cell (where the green point is the upper left corner) calculate the percentage of the area covered by the forest. The result should be assigned to the 'poly_perc' matrix (size 2881 x 3600).
I tried to do this with the huge loop and a polyshape, intersection and area functions inside. Here is my code:
for i=1:(size(lat,1)-1)
for j=1:(size(lat,2)-1)
This is working, but it is working way to slow - it would take years to finish...
How can I optimise this to perform faster? Or maybe there is entirely different way to do it fast?
This is the first time I write a post on the forum, I hope I explained everything well. So far, I found thousands of good answers on this forum, hopefully this time will be the same!
Thank you!
Matt J
Matt J on 24 Dec 2022
Edited: Matt J on 24 Dec 2022
The resulting grid cells aren't regular-shaped rectangles,
From the attached data, your cells are not regularly-shaped rectangles, but they are regularly-shaped parallelograms. Is that normal? If so, you could just perform a shear transformations on both the lat/lon lattice points and on polyout, such that the lattice would become a plain rectangular grid, which is much easier to deal with. The area intersections would be the same, because shears are area-preserving.
kinga kulesza
kinga kulesza on 24 Dec 2022
No, the data is not regularly-shaped parallelograms either. The grid cells are 250x250 m everywhere, while the Earth is a globe. So the „quasi-paralellograms” are the bigger the more to the north we are. Unfortunately.

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Accepted Answer

Matt J
Matt J on 24 Dec 2022
Edited: Matt J on 25 Dec 2022
The implementation below works by iterating over 25x25 sub-blocks of the lon/lat data. On my computer, each block takes about 2.5 seconds, which means the whole loop should run to completion in about 45 minutes. If you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox and replace the for loop with a parfor loop, it should take even less. I don't think there's going to be a way to reduce the run time to a few seconds, if that's what you were hoping.
load lat_lon
load polyout
k=25; %block length
[M,N]=deal(width(mb), width(nb));
fcn=@(z) [z(1:end-1,1)', z(end,:), flip(z(1:end-1,end))', flip( z(1,2:end-1) ) ]';
poly_perc =cell(M,N);
for blockNum=1:N*M
Lat=lat(mb(1,i):mb(2,i), nb(1,j):nb(2,j));
Lon=lon(mb(1,i):mb(2,i), nb(1,j):nb(2,j));
Pforest=intersect( p , polyout );
if ~area(Pforest)
disp("Time="+num2str(T,'%.2f')+" (No forest area in block)")
function out=blockranges(z,k)
out=repelem( 1:k:z ,2);
function Pgons = tiles2polyshape(Lon,Lat)
fcn=@(varargin) reshape(cat(3,varargin{:}) ,[],4)';
c1=fcn( Lon(i,j), Lon(i+1,j), Lon(i+1,j+1), Lon(i,j+1) );
c2=fcn( Lat(i,j), Lat(i+1,j), Lat(i+1,j+1), Lat(i,j+1) );
C=num2cell([fcn(c1), fcn(c2)] , [1,2]);
Pgons=cellfun(@(varargin)polyshape(varargin{:},'Simplify',0,'Keep',1) , reshape(C,m-1,n-1) );
Matt J
Matt J on 29 Dec 2022
Edited: Matt J on 29 Dec 2022
I also wonder, how was this possible: in my initial code Matlab needed 20 sec for every intersection, while in your code, 20 sec was needed for 25 x 25 intersections.
Because in your code, you compute intersect(pgon, polyout) whereas in mine, we compute intersect(pgon, Pforest). Pforest is a much smaller polyshape, the section of polyout covering only the current 25x25 block.
(btw, how powerful is your machine? You wrote that every iteration takes 2.5 sec, while at my computer it needed 20 sec. I thought my machine to be pretty good...)
My 2.5 sec. timing was based on tests with the data files you attached to your post, which contain a much smaller polyout. I don't know how long my computer would take with your larger data set. If you need to repeat this calculation, you might try partitioning your polyout and lat/lon data into smaller chunks, similar in size to your posted attachments. That would probably speed up the time per iteration.
kinga kulesza
kinga kulesza on 29 Dec 2022
My 2.5 sec. timing was based on tests with the data files you attached to your post, which contain a much smaller polyout.
That is a very good remark. I tried with the data I attached to the post, and indeed, the iteration takes ~1 sec. I will remember this, when I'll need to repeat this calculation (and I'll have to do it for coniferous and broadleaves forests separately).
Thanks also for the patch to the code!

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More Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 23 Dec 2022
Edited: Matt J on 23 Dec 2022
Here's a more vectorized version. I could not test it, of course, since input data was not provided to us.
fcn=@(varargin) reshape(cat(3,varargin{:}) ,[],4)';
c1=fcn( lon(i,j), lon(i+1,j), lon(i+1,j+1), lon(i,j+1) );
c2=fcn( lat(i,j), lat(i+1,j), lat(i+1,j+1), lat(i,j+1) );
C=num2cell([fcn(c1), fcn(c2)] , [1,2]);
Pgons=cellfun(@polyshape , reshape(C,m-1,n-1) );
poly_perc = ar2./ar1*100;
Karim on 24 Dec 2022
Edited: Karim on 24 Dec 2022
See below for some comments added to the code of @Matt J, i've added a minor step to evaluate the overlap. This will speed up the computation since it avoids evaluation the intersection area if there is no overlap.
[m,n] = size(lat);
i = 1:m-1; % row index for the grid cell
j = 1:n-1; % column index for the grid cell
% set up a cell array (called C), with as many rows and columns as the
% number of grid cells
% get the vertices for the grid cells
fcn = @(varargin) reshape(cat(3,varargin{:}) ,[],4)';
c1 = fcn( lon(i,j), lon(i+1,j), lon(i+1,j+1), lon(i,j+1) );
c2 = fcn( lat(i,j), lat(i+1,j), lat(i+1,j+1), lat(i,j+1) );
% store in the cell array, and reshape to the dimensions of the grid cells
fcn = @(c) reshape(c,4,1,[]);
C = num2cell([fcn(c1), fcn(c2)] , [1,2]);
C = reshape(C,m-1,n-1);
% take a small random set of C for the online evaluation
% don't do this in the final code
C = C( randi(numel(C(:)),10,1) );
% convert each grid cell into a polyshape
Pgons = cellfun(@polyshape , C );
% set up logicals which we can use to avoid computation if the polygons do not overlap
TF = overlaps(Pgons,polyout)
TF = 10×1 logical array
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
% initialize the coverage percentage
poly_perc = zeros(size(TF));
if any(TF(:))
% evaluate the area of the grid cells
ar1 = area(Pgons(TF));
% compute the intersection area
ar2 = area(intersect(Pgons(TF),polyout));
% get the percentage
poly_perc(TF) = ar2./ar1*100
poly_perc = 10×1
0 0 0 0 0 70.0130 0 0 0 0

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