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How to create a flow chart?

1 view (last 30 days)
Nicole on 5 Dec 2022
Closed: John D'Errico on 5 Dec 2022
How would I make a flow chart that describes this code?
clear all; close all; clc;
d1f = 60; %diameter of the blades in feet
r1 = (d1f/2)/3.281; %radius of the blades in meters
Vw1 = 24.51; %average wind speed in miles per hour
Vw = Vw1/2.237; %converting the wind speed to meters per second
%defining other constants
rho = 1.2754; %density of air in kg/m^3
Cq = 0.27; %estimates using diameter and torque from systems project
T1 = (1/2)*rho*pi*(r1^3)*Cq*(Vw^2);
V1 = 89;
%defining needed values
tspan = [0, 25]; % defining
x0 = [0;0;0;0;0]; %defining initial conditions
[t, x] = ode15s(@(t,x) odefun(t,x,T1,V1),tspan,x0) %using ode15s to solve
u = [T1;V1]; %defines the u matrix
%defining variables
m = 18130.59; %equivalent mass including blades, rotor and low speed shaft in (kg)
k_t = 80363.83655; %stiffness of the low speed shaft, found from textbook¹ (N/m)
c_aero = 4561000.755; %found from doing (T1/V1)*400 (Ns)
c_t = 4561000.755; %damping of the motor, estimated from doing multiple runs (Ns)
k_b = 6.86; %stiffness of the motor³ (N/m)
R = 0.48;%10.41; %resistance found from motor spec sheet⁴ (Ohms)
L = 3.4;%0.644; %thermal inductance found from spec sheet⁴ (Hertz)
I1 = 134000; %moment of inertia of rotor/blade assembly, estimated (kg*m^2)
I2 = 0.000027525; %moment of inertia of the motor, found using mr^2 (kg/m^2)
N = 5.71; %gear ratio⁵
e= 2.1e11; %young's modulus of the material (Pa)
d_l = 3;%0.7736; %diameter of low speed shaft (meters)⁶
d_h = 0.3;%0.007; %diameter of the high speed shaft (meters)⁸
l_l = 6;%3.5; %length of the low speed shaft (meters)⁶
l_h=0.6;%0.3; %length of the high speed shaft (meters)⁸
area_l = pi*(d_l/2)^2; %area of the low speed shaft (m^2)
area_h = pi*(d_h/2)^2; %area of the high speed shaft (m^2)
k_l = ((e*area_l)/l_l); %stiffness of low speed shaft (N/m)
k_h = ((e*area_h)/l_h); %stiffness of the high speed shaft (N/m)
%State matrices
A = [0 1 0 0 0
(-N*k_h)/(I1) -c_aero/(I1) k_h/(I1) 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
(N*k_h)/(I2) 0 -k_h/I2 -c_t/I2 k_t/I2
0 0 0 -k_b/L -R/L];
B = [0 0
1/(I1) 0
0 0
0 0
0 -1/L];
C = eye(5);
D = [0];
% For the fifth row (current), compute the
for i = 1:length(x)
dxdt(:,i) = A*x(i,:)'+B*u;%sets up the state matrix equation
el = dxdt(5,:);
P = el*V1;
w1 = integral(@(el) el.*V1,0,inf)
clear m k_t c_aero c_t k_b R L I1 I2 N e d_l d_h l_l l_h area_l area_h k_l k_h C D
title('Power vs. Time')
title('Work vs. Time')
NrSp = size(x,2);
%for loop creating an array of sub plots for x1 to x5
for k = 1:NrSp %NrSp is the number of subplots equal to the column size of x
%plotting code
plot(t, x(:,k))
myfun = @(t,x) A*[x(1);x(2);x(3);x(4);x(5)]+B*u
function [dxdt] = odefun (t,x,T1,V1) %sets up a function using the state matrices
u = [T1;V1]; %defines the u matrix
%defining variables
m = 18130.59; %equivalent mass including blades, rotor and low speed shaft in (kg)
k_t = 80363.83655; %stiffness of the low speed shaft, found from textbook¹ (N/m)
c_aero = 4561000.755; %found from doing (T1/V1)*400 (Ns)
c_t = 4561000.755; %damping of the motor, estimated from doing multiple runs (Ns)
k_b = 6.86; %stiffness of the motor³ (N/m)
R = 0.48;%10.41; %resistance found from motor spec sheet⁴ (Ohms)
L = 3.4;%0.644; %thermal inductance found from spec sheet⁴ (Hertz)
I1 = 134000; %moment of inertia of rotor/blade assembly, estimated (kg*m^2)
I2 = 0.000027525; %moment of inertia of the motor, found using mr^2 (kg/m^2)
N = 5.71; %gear ratio⁵
e= 2.1e11; %young's modulus of the material (Pa)
d_l = 3;%0.7736; %diameter of low speed shaft (meters)⁶
d_h = 0.3;%0.007; %diameter of the high speed shaft (meters)⁸
l_l = 6;%3.5; %length of the low speed shaft (meters)⁶
l_h=0.6;%0.3; %length of the high speed shaft (meters)⁸
area_l = pi*(d_l/2)^2; %area of the low speed shaft (m^2)
area_h = pi*(d_h/2)^2; %area of the high speed shaft (m^2)
k_l = ((e*area_l)/l_l); %stiffness of low speed shaft (N/m)
k_h = ((e*area_h)/l_h); %stiffness of the high speed shaft (N/m)
%State matrices
A = [0 1 0 0 0
(-N*k_h)/(I1) -c_aero/(I1) k_h/(I1) 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
(N*k_h)/(I2) 0 -k_h/I2 -c_t/I2 k_t/I2
0 0 0 -k_b/L -R/L];
B = [0 0
1/(I1) 0
0 0
0 0
0 -1/L];
C = eye(5);
D = [0];
dxdt = A*x+B*u;%sets up the state matrix equation

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