how to Read Txt file(XML format) in Matlab ?

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Lets assume I have text file name 'Text.txt' and I have below data in it,
Now, inside matlab, I want to open this file with read mode.
And I want to extract the name 'New_Model' and 'Model1.slx', 'Model2.slx' and 'Model3.slx'
how can extract these name using a more general way?
Like between <Name> and </Name> there is a file name. I should be able to extract the name from this
and between <Models> and </Models> there are 3 model names. So, I should be able to extract the names of these models.
I have tried the specific way as below,
fileID = fopen('Text.txt','r');
model_s = fscanf(fileID,'<Name> %s </Name>')
model1 = fscanf(fileID,'%*s\n %s',1)
model2 = fscanf(fileID,'%s\n %*s',1)
model3 = fscanf(fileID,'%s\n %*s',1)
Now, looking for a general way to do it. Like I have dine it above in the case of <Name>.
David Hill
David Hill on 28 Nov 2022
Please attach your Text.txt file.
Shiv Nileshkumar Matliwala
Hello David,
I have already uploaded the content in the question. The file name is Text.txt and it has the above content in it. It is just a simple text file with content as below,
Now here just I want to extract New_Model and store it is variable 'name' and Model1.slx, Model2.slx and Model3.slx and store it in variable 'models' for example. but only by using this <Name> and </Name>, So whatever is there between this two lines, It is my 'name' and whatever is there between <Model> and </Model> lines, those are my three different model names 'models'.

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Answers (1)

Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang on 28 Nov 2022




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