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How to use CVX in matlab code?

13 views (last 30 days)
Safia on 13 Nov 2022
Edited: Safia on 14 Nov 2022
I am new to cvx, I have no idea how to use it.
I hope you could help me.
I want to optimize the UAV trajectory, I have several variables that I have to calculate before getting the optimal trajectory which are related to the location of the UAV.
I wonder if I should run my program in matlab first with a fixed point of the UAV location, then apply CVX to find the optimal points?
Thanks in advance,

Answers (1)

Torsten on 13 Nov 2022
Use intlinprog.
No need to linearize anything - your equations are linear in the unknowns.
Torsten on 14 Nov 2022
Edited: Torsten on 14 Nov 2022
I don't see from your model how X influences R. If X is also a solution vector and influences R(t), you will have to use "ga" instead of "intlinprog" since your problem becomes nonlinear.
So define X(1),...,X(T) as solution variables - then you have values in the course of the optimization to calculate R(1),...,R(T) in the "nonlcon" function of "ga".
Safia on 14 Nov 2022
Edited: Safia on 14 Nov 2022
@Torsten you will understand more by this example : in my case X(t)=qu(t).
at first
because Rn is non convex so :
after this the constraint becomes :

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