Unable to run the simulink on ROS device due to administrative privileges issue

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Hi All,
I have a robotic device which operates on ROS. I need to run the robotic device with simulink in order to get the data from the sensors in the robotic device. I tried to follow the steps mentioned in this document Generate a Standalone ROS Node from Simulink - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks Benelux. However, in the step of connecting to the ros device when I test the connection I get the error as shown in the below image The open click doesn't have any information (It says the page is not found). The error is the 'user doesnt have administrative privilieges'. How can I sort this issue out.
Note: The user 'gdubbelman' is a master pc which runs on linux
Let me know if any more information is required to give solution to the problem.
Thanks in Advance

Accepted Answer

Josh Chen
Josh Chen on 27 Oct 2022
Hello Sandesh,
This is a suggested action instead of an error. It should not prevent you from generating a ROS node or deploying it to the ROS device.
What this is saying is that the user 'gdubbelman' is not in admin group so there is no way to enable multi-tasking mode for the generated node. For more information about tasking modes, please refer to the Tasking mode under Advanced Topics and Troubleshooting secion on this page.
As so, if you only need to generate code for single-tasking mode, you are good to go. You can simply ignore this suggested action and continue.
If you need to enable multi-tasking mode, you would have to make sure the user you specified under "Deploy to" > "Connect to ROS device" has administrative privileges on the ROS device. You may either change that username to a admin user, or give admin access to the current user on your ROS device.
Hope this helps,
Sandesh Venkatesh
Sandesh Venkatesh on 28 Oct 2022
Hi Josh,
Thanks for the response. The fact is that the other PC's with Matlab are able to communicate with the robotic device which are using the same user. In addition even I can give instructions to the robotic device by using monitor & tune button under ROS tab as attached in the image.
However, when I run the simulation (tab) there is no translation of intruction to the robotic device. So, its bit confusing at the moment.
Josh Chen
Josh Chen on 28 Oct 2022
Hi Sandesh,
In that case, it is probably easier to reach out to MathWorks Technical Support team and have a closer look at the difference between this specific PC and other device.

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