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How to XOR two cells from the same cell array?

2 views (last 30 days)
I have one array of size 1x1024. I want to XOR each cell of the array. The first cell remains the same.It is as follows
Let T represent the position of each cell, then
CellT` = {Cell T XOR Cell(T-1) for T=2..1024
Cell T for T=1
Lets consider a 1x10 array.It is of the following form.
X= ['0000000000000001' '0000000000000010' '0000000000000011' '0000000000000100' '0000000000000101' '0000000000000110' '0000000000000111' '0000000000001000' '0000000000001001' '0000000000001010']
So I need to XOR the adjacent elements except the first one. Please help thanks in advance.
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Guillaume on 18 Mar 2015
Edited: Guillaume on 18 Mar 2015
It sounds that your array with cells is just a plain matlab matrix, in which case you'd be better off calling the cells elements
Cell arrays, whose elements are cells are something very different in matlab.

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Accepted Answer

Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein on 18 Mar 2015
With "cell", do you mean you have a cell array or do you refer to the elements of a normal logical array? I suppose second, then it's just
T =
1 1 0 0 1
>> XORT=xor(T(2:end),T(1:end-1))
0 1 0 1
In case it's really a cell array, you can either translate the cell array into a normal array (cell2mat) or apply cellfun here:
>> Tc=num2cell(T)
Tc =
[1] [1] [0] [0] [1]
>> XORTc=cellfun(@(x,y) xor(x,y),Tc(2:end),Tc(1:end-1))
0 1 0 1
Hope that's answering your question!
Abirami on 18 Mar 2015
Thank you so much sir. I've edited the qn once again to specify what i have as the input.
Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein on 18 Mar 2015
With respect to your modified question, you can do the following:
>> T= {'0000000000000001' '0000000000000010' '0000000000000011' '0000000000000100' '0000000000000101' '0000000000000110' '0000000000000111' '0000000000001000' '0000000000001001' '0000000000001010'};
>> Tc=cellfun(@(x) x=='1',T,'uniform',false);
>> XORTc=[Tc(1) cellfun(@(x,y) xor(x,y),Tc(2:end),Tc(1:end-1),'uniform',false)];
The first use of cellfun translates the string arrays into logical arrays and the second performs the xor along with the concatenation with the first value of Tc.

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More Answers (1)

Guillaume on 18 Mar 2015
If you are operating on strings of '0' and '1', then the xor operation is the same as the ~= operation plus a conversion back to string.
binstrxor = @(binstr1, binstr2) char('0' + (binstr1 ~= binstr2));
X = {'0000000000000001' '0000000000000010' '0000000000000011' '0000000000000100' '0000000000000101' '0000000000000110' '0000000000000111' '0000000000001000' '0000000000001001' '0000000000001010'};
Xxor = cellfun(binstrxor, X(1:end-1), X(2:end), 'UniformOutput', false)
Note that the strings must be the same length (same number of bits) for ~= to work.

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