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Get all files under a folder

21 views (last 30 days)
Ron on 13 Oct 2022
Commented: Ron on 13 Oct 2022
Hello guys,
Im trying to get access to all files under folder that i have with matlab app designer. ( only files, excel files , .m , .mlapp .. etc , with out folders)
I saw in some other answers that i can use :
folderPath=uigetdir(pwd,'Select a folder');
and then i have struct files that i can get access to the and , files.folder ...etc
But it finds only the mlapp files , if I do like this
folderPath=uigetdir(pwd,'Select a folder');
files=dir(fullfile(folderPath, '*' );
it finds also the folders but that's not what i want
Need help to add only excel and another files :)

Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 13 Oct 2022
Edited: Stephen23 on 13 Oct 2022
Just filter out the folders afterwards:
P = uigetdir(pwd,'Select a folder');
S = dir(fullfile(P,'*'));
S([S.isdir]) = [] % remove folders

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