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Finding when data in a matrix exceeds a certain value

2 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to find the onset of damage within a data 'X' which is a 4373x1 matrix . I have subtracted away the standard deviation of the data and am now trying to find where the data is larger than the standard deviation, i.e. greater than 0.
Is there a function in MATLAB that will tell me when the data exceeds 0 and will print the row number?

Answers (2)

David Young
David Young on 4 Mar 2015
find(X > 0, 1)

Guillaume on 4 Mar 2015
Edited: Guillaume on 4 Mar 2015
Use find:
[row, column] = find(m > 0)
or if you just want the row:
[row, ~] = find(m > 0) %you still need to ask for both, otherwise you get linear indices


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