Problem with axes in 4 axis plot

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Hillaryfor2016 on 2 Mar 2015
Edited: Hillaryfor2016 on 2 Mar 2015
Im currently trying to plot 4 variables (one on each axis) that sum to 100. However in plotting the second set of axes at the top and right, the scatter plot seems to go astray.
if true
ax1_pos = ax1.Position; % position of first axes
ax2 = axes('Position',ax1_pos,...
Thank you in advance

Answers (1)

Adam on 2 Mar 2015
You should pass the axes to the scatter function explcitly rather than just having it plot on the current axes. e.g
scatter( ax1, x1, y1, 1, C );
after creating ax1.
Creating ax2 and then overwriting the ax2 variable with gca is also not a good idea. At best it is redundant since the aim is to assign to ax2 the value that it already contains.
Adam on 2 Mar 2015
And what is the result? What aspect of it doesn't work?
Hillaryfor2016 on 2 Mar 2015
Edited: Hillaryfor2016 on 2 Mar 2015
Its plotting both axes to the same x and y. I specified it like that originally then started using the gca.

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