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Mulitpling diffrent scalars to diffrent numbers in a matrix

1 view (last 30 days)
I am trying to multiply several different scalars to a random vector depending on the size of the number. For example, [1 6 3 17 30 7 10 4 25 27], I don't know if these numbers will be the ones chosen though. Each number would be multiplied by a different scalar depending on the size of the number. Anything under 10 would be multiplied by 5, anything between 11 and 26 would be multiplied by 12, and everything else is multiplied by 17. This would make the above vector [5 60 30 204 510 35 100 20 425 459].

Answers (1)

Torsten on 8 Sep 2022
Edited: Torsten on 8 Sep 2022
Check your resulting vector. According to your rules, it is wrong.
v = [1 6 3 17 30 7 10 4 25 27];
s = 17*ones(1,numel(v));
s(v<10) = 5;
s(v>11 & v<26) = 12;
s = 1×10
5 5 5 12 17 5 17 5 12 17
vs = v.*s
vs = 1×10
5 30 15 204 510 35 170 20 300 459


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