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Issue in finding euclidean distance between 2 images

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What is the best way to find the Euclidean distance in two images?
I have 2 images in 1,2,1 and 1,2,2 positions in fig format(pls note that these images are 16.3MB in size). My expectation is to select similar features in 2 images and calculate the euclidean distance, afterwards. But when i use below code i cannot smoothly select points. Can someone help me to solve this issue?
clear all
openfig('1 Ref n Mov.fig')
line([x(1), x(end)], [y(1), y(end)]);
dist = sqrt((x(end)-x(1))^2 + (y(end)-y(1))^2)

Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 17 Feb 2015
Try cpselect() in the Image Processing Toolbox.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 21 Feb 2015
So just use the standard demo image like cameraman. You don't have to attach it because I have it, but you do have to attach your code for cpselect because I don't know what you did.
Or why can't you just use ginput(1) twice, once on each image. I don't understand why it's so hard to just indicate two locations on two images and use sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2).
Chathu on 23 Feb 2015
Edited: Chathu on 25 Feb 2015
Image Analyst- thank you v much for your response. By using the above code i was able to get two values but my doubt here when i run the code i can only see a line only on one image. BUT my expectation is to draw a line from 1st subplot to the 2nd subplot and then find the euclidean distance.How can i do that?
For cpselect:, i used,
fixed = imread('1-fixed.jpg');
moving = imread('1-register.jpg');
But how to find the euclidean distance here? Same equation doesn't work? Can you pls be kind enough to give me a solution.

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