Impedance calculation using FFT from time, voltage and current battery data
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ekagra gupta
on 23 Aug 2022
Commented: Florian Bittner
on 21 Sep 2023
I have battery pulse test and pseudo OCV measurements (time, current and voltage) in time domain and I want to obtain plot similar to EIS in freuqnecy domain using Fourier Transform.
Is it possible? If yes, then please explain the approach
Accepted Answer
Mathieu NOE
on 24 Aug 2022
should be possible using tfestimate function
alternative (older) code :
x and y are your time domain data (x = input of the system , y = output)
you need to specify the fft buffer length, sampling freq, type of window and overlap (if you want)
function [Txy,Cxy,f] = mytfe_and_coh(x,y,nfft,Fs,window,noverlap)
% Transfer Function and Coherence Estimate
% compute PSD and CSD
window = window(:);
n = length(x); % Number of data points
nwind = length(window); % length of window
if n < nwind % zero-pad x , y if length is less than the window length
x = x(:); % Make sure x is a column vector
y = y(:); % Make sure y is a column vector
k = fix((n-noverlap)/(nwind-noverlap)); % Number of windows
% (k = fix(n/nwind) for noverlap=0)
index = 1:nwind;
Pxx = zeros(nfft,1);
Pyy = zeros(nfft,1);
Pxy = zeros(nfft,1);
for i=1:k
xw = window.*x(index);
yw = window.*y(index);
index = index + (nwind - noverlap);
Xx = fft(xw,nfft);
Yy = fft(yw,nfft);
Xx2 = abs(Xx).^2;
Yy2 = abs(Yy).^2;
Xy2 = Yy.*conj(Xx);
Pxx = Pxx + Xx2;
Pyy = Pyy + Yy2;
Pxy = Pxy + Xy2;
% Select first half
if ~any(any(imag([x y])~=0)) % if x and y are not complex
if rem(nfft,2) % nfft odd
select = [1:(nfft+1)/2];
select = [1:nfft/2+1]; % include DC AND Nyquist
Pxx = Pxx(select);
Pyy = Pyy(select);
Pxy = Pxy(select);
select = 1:nfft;
Txy = Pxy ./ Pxx; % transfer function estimate
Cxy = (abs(Pxy).^2)./(Pxx.*Pyy); % coherence function estimate
f = (select - 1)'*Fs/nfft;
Ruben Messner
on 7 Aug 2023
could you share your final solution by chance? I'm trying to do the same calc...
Thx in advance!
Florian Bittner
on 21 Sep 2023
Hi, guys i also try to analyse the battery voltage using fft. Do you guys found a working code/solution?
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