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Multiple lines in NodeLabel plot graph

3 views (last 30 days)
Mohamed on 9 Aug 2022
Answered: Alan Baker on 8 Jun 2023
i used the following code to make a nodelabel string vector that contains information of the node , the information are divided into 3 strings , i joined the string and i add newline between them but on the plot the strings are next to each other , the newline doesn't apeare unlease the first string have charcters , please check the attached photo:
I want all my nodes to apear like the right amrked one , not the wrong marked
and here is the code that i have used
h=plot(g,"EdgeLabel",edgelabletableinKM,"NodeLabel",strnodeslabletable,NodeLabelMode="manual",NodeFontName='Times New Roman' ...

Answers (1)

Alan Baker
Alan Baker on 8 Jun 2023
Try using the char() function to vertically concatenate the strings for each node. The function adds spaces at the end of the sub-string to enforce equal length. In your example try:
strnodeslabletable ={ char('13 panel1', '500kVA', 'East...'), char('41 panel2-R', '500kVA','Kamel SS'), char('166500kVAKamelSS')};


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