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Plot shape file on a 3D map

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Pepe Grillo
Pepe Grillo on 18 May 2022
I made a map of bathymetrie in 3D, but I want to include in this 3D map shape files, line and others points, that are 2D.
P = m_shaperead('muc');
for j=1:length(P.ncst),
m_line(P.ncst{j}(:,1),P.ncst{j}(:,2), 'LineWidth',3, 'marker','pentagram','markersize',5,'color','r');
n = length(P) ;
x = zeros(n,1) ; y =zeros(n,1) ;
% or using m_line:
m_line(LonNB2, LatNB2,'LineWidth',2,'Color','m');
when I use this code, that works in 2D maps but in the 3D script then give this error:
Output argument "X" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "m_ll2xy".
Error in m_line (line 49)
Is a way to save 2D shapes in 3D or other solution?

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