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Name table columns with variable index

2 views (last 30 days)
I'll take to explain a 3 columns table but I actually have around 100 columns.
I have a 3 columns table, with each column named with a label Ux,Uy,Uz and filled with 18000 values
I want to calculate mean value and standard deviation for each column and put it in a 6 columns table with columns named like [Uxmean,Uxstd,Uymean,Uystd,...]
Here is my program.
file = uigetfile();
tab = readtable(file);
varnames = tab.Properties.VariableNames(1:end);
doub = table2array(tab(:,[1:end]));
for i = [1:width(doub)]
cell(2*i-1) = (mean(doub(:,i)));
cell(2*i) = (std(doub(:,i)));
tab =array2table(cell);
% for i = [1:width(doub)]
% tab.Properties.VariableNames(2*i-1)=varnames(i) "mean"
% tab.Properties.VariableNames(2*i)=varnames(i) "std"
% end
It works until the commented lines, when i try to add the index "mean" to odd columns and "std" to even columns
I'm very new on Matlab so i probably forgot some details and there is for sure a easier method so tell me.
Thank you!

Accepted Answer

Chunru on 27 Apr 2022
Edited: Chunru on 27 Apr 2022
tab = readtable('');
ans = 8×3 table
Ux Uy Uz ________ ________ ________ -0.46271 0.18824 0.38583 -0.41488 0.55131 0.37074 -0.49457 0.18599 0.2409 -0.30067 0.3442 -0.20573 -0.54151 0.29827 -0.15212 -0.85707 -0.12284 -0.15933 -1.0658 -0.42837 -0.53856 -0.36889 -0.58331 -0.87129
varnames = tab.Properties.VariableNames(1:end)
varnames = 1×3 cell array
{'Ux'} {'Uy'} {'Uz'}
m_tab = varfun(@mean, tab)
m_tab = 1×3 table
mean_Ux mean_Uy mean_Uz _______ _______ ________ -1.0295 -2.4166 0.033029
s_tab =varfun(@std, tab)
s_tab = 1×3 table
std_Ux std_Uy std_Uz _______ ______ _______ 0.94946 2.1712 0.63944
output = [m_tab s_tab]
output = 1×6 table
mean_Ux mean_Uy mean_Uz std_Ux std_Uy std_Uz _______ _______ ________ _______ ______ _______ -1.0295 -2.4166 0.033029 0.94946 2.1712 0.63944
idx = [0; 3]+(1:3); idx=idx(:);
output=output(:, idx)
output = 1×6 table
mean_Ux std_Ux mean_Uy std_Uy mean_Uz std_Uz _______ _______ _______ ______ ________ _______ -1.0295 0.94946 -2.4166 2.1712 0.033029 0.63944

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